Blue Light Blocking Lenses

Phones, tablets, and TVs are everywhere in the modern world. While they aid us in many ways, they also have their downfalls. Electronic devices emit blue light, a wavelength of light that keeps our bodies energized, making it difficult to fall asleep. Blue light-blocking lenses are a solution to this problem, allowing you to enjoy late-night TV or texting without feeling the effects later. If you want to learn more about how blue light lenses can help you or how they can even be added to your existing glasses, contact Lisa M. McDevitt, O.D. in Reading to schedule an appointment. 

blue light lenses

What is Blue Light?

Blue light is simply another way to refer to blue wavelengths. These types of wavelengths are actually beneficial during the day; they help lift our mood and boost our attention and reactions. Our electronic devices emit blue light, and at nighttime, this can be problematic. Blue light drastically reduces the amount of melatonin the human body makes, keeping us awake and active. By using devices close to bedtime, our bodies are unable to produce the proper amount of melatonin to slow us down and put us to sleep.

How do Blue Light Blocking Lenses Work?

Blue light-blocking lenses work by either reflecting or absorbing blue light that would otherwise hit our eyes. Blue light-blocking glasses that absorb blue light block around 40% of blue light. Reflecting lenses, however, only filter out around 10%. Reflecting lenses usually have a bluish tint, while ones that absorb the light have amber tones. Your optometrist can give you more information regarding the specifics of blue light technology and how it can benefit you. Blue light blocking technology can even be added to your existing glasses.

How do I know if I need Blue Light Blocking Lenses?

Blue light filtering technology works best for those who prefer to use their electronic devices before bed. Wearing blue light-blocking lenses at night when watching TV, using your phone, or even reading on an e-reader can make for a comfortable and seamless transition into sleep. Depending on your profession, your eye doctor may even suggest using blue light blocking lenses throughout the day.

Blue light blocking lenses have been notably recommended by professionals for people in fields such as tech and computer vision. If you're somebody who uses a lot of screen time at work and experiences restlessness or trouble falling asleep, blue light-blocking lenses may be a great fit for you.

Contact Lisa M. McDevitt, O.D. in Reading, PA

Many people have obligations or hobbies that require the use of electronic devices. Blue light-blocking lenses can guarantee these activities can be completed no matter the time and ensure a restful night's sleep afterward. Are you looking for an eye doctor near me? If you're located in Reading, contact Lisa M. McDevitt, O.D. at (610) 796-1300. You'll discover if blue light-blocking lenses are the best option for you and learn more about our comprehensive eye care services.


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